Our Coffee

San Ignacio, Peru

Motherlode has proud origins in Peru, this is why our main source of coffee comes directly from the provinces of Jaen and San Ignacio in the Cajamarca region of northern Peru. We work with Central Fronteriza del Norte de Cafetaleros (CENFROCAFE), an association in charge of more than 3,000 smallholder farms. CENFROCAFE works not only to support the commercial endeavours of its members, but also to facilitate the development of their communities as a whole.

CENFROCAFE supports the livelihoods of thousands of members of the community promoting a sustainable solution to the 4 main areas of improvement: economic, social, environmental and educational. Now, people have access to basic services like health care and education, and are developing pride and ambition in their farming. CENFROCAFE have set up a micro-credit system to support farmers. Members will often use these small loans to cover the costs of growing and harvesting their coffee, send their children to school, or invest in house improvements.

“A huge difference in our lives is that now our children can actually go to school, our coffee is being recognized in the market for the quality we produce, we are receiving a fair price for our efforts, and our members can be proud again to be farmers.” - Anselmo Huamán Moreta, founding member and former president

Over 90% organic, remainder in transition

April - September

1300 - 1650 meters

Fully washed and dried inside solar dryers that provide protection from the rain

Website: http://cenfrocafe.com.pe

Brazil Sul de Minas

Our coffee from Brazil is sourced from two family estates in the Minas Gerais region in the southern Brazil. One of the largest states in the country and the main producer of coffee. The farms were established by the Ferraz family in the early 1900s.

The combination of altitude, moderate climate, and favourable rainfall makes it an ideal environment where their coffees are prepared for export using state-of-the-art milling equipment.

April - September

Clay Minerals

925 - 1170 meters

Pulped natural and dried in the sun

San Marcos, Guatemala

San Marcos, Guatemala is sourced from a small farming community located more than 1,372 meters above sea level. Coffee cultivated at these altitudes matures slowly and grows to be harder and denser than beans grown at lower elevations, with inherent consistency and rich taste attributes. The coffee is hand sorted removing defects.

October - February

Volcanic loam/Clay minerals

1372 meters

Fully washed and dried in the sun

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